Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) may be granted for:

  • coursework/units of competency
  • work placement

Once students submit the documentation and evidence required, your VET teacher or VET Coordinator assesses competency acquired through formal and informal learning, to determine if a student meets the requirements for a unit of study.

RPL for Coursework / Units of Competency
Students may gain credit for a unit of competency that is being delivered.

This means if a student has experience in a particular unit of competency, or already holds the unit of competency being delivered and assessed, it may be possible to apply for RPL. Students must complete the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for VET Coursework Form and submit the evidence required.

RPL for Work Placement
RPL for Work Placement is a mandatory NESA component of most VET courses, however, some VET courses require work placement as part of the qualification. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) for work placement is a process that recognises the work students are undertaking, or have previously undertaken in the industry.

This work must relate to the course the student is participating in. If RPL is granted for work placement, students may receive a partial or full exemption for their work placement. This will depend on the course, the number of hours undertaken, the nature of the work, and whether the work placement is a mandatory component of the qualification. Students must discuss RPL with their teacher before applying; and complete the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) form and submit the evidence required.