What does TC stand for?

A Training Centre (TC) is a specialised educational facility where students have access to a wider range of vocational education and training (VET) opportunities. Training Centres at Sydney Catholic Schools include Saint Yon Trade Training Centre (LaSalle Catholic College), St Joseph Trades Skills Centre (Good Samaritan Catholic College), and Southern Cross Catholic College. All senior students across Sydney Catholic Schools may access courses available at our Training Centres.

What does VET stand for?

VET stands for Vocational Education and Training. VET gives people workplace skills and technical knowledge.

What’s the difference between a traineeship and an apprenticeship?

A school-based apprenticeship usually combines the final 2 years of school with paid part-time work. This enables you to finish the first year of your trade whilst completing the HSC. You would then go into the second year of a full time apprenticeship, usually with the same employer, once you leave school.

A school-based traineeship is fully completed within your final 2 years at school, providing you with the HSC, a VET qualification, a Certificate of Proficiency and paid experience in the workplace.

Both involve a combination of paid work and final learning and are contractual agreements lodged with the Department of Industry,

Why would I stay at school if I get offered an apprenticeship?

Being offered an apprenticeship is a fantastic opportunity. It is possible, however, to lose an apprenticeship for a variety of reasons including: the economy, illness or injury, or poor performance. If this happens your HSC will assist you in gaining another apprenticeship placement or to undertake further study.

Will I have to complete Work Placement?

Work placement is a mandatory component of Vocational Education courses. You are required to spend 70 hours in the workplace for each 2 Unit (240 hour) course. This is usually managed through 2 allocated workplace sessions.

What happens if I don’t complete my Work Placement?

If you do not complete the required time in the workplace you will be deemed to have not satisfactorily met the outcomes and will receive an N-Award for that subject. This may prevent you from receiving an HSC.

Is there a cost involved in studying a VET Course?

Yes, each course attracts a separate fee. This fee is in addition to your regular school fees. These fees will be clarified with you when enrolling.

I have already undertaken some VET study at another school. Can I get this training recognised?

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available in many instances. You should ensure you bring as much documentation with you as you can from your previous school and discuss your RPL application with staff when enrolling.

What qualification will I receive when I finish?

This will depend on the course or pathway you undertake. In most cases it is equivalent to a Certificate II

Can I study a VET course and still obtain an ATAR?

You are allowed to include 2 Units of a VET course (1 subject) in the calculation of your ATAR. You are required to sit the HSC exam in that subject in order to include it in the ATAR calculations.

Will I have to complete assessment tasks for my VET courses?

Yes. The course is part of your HSC program. There will be competency based assessments and other assessment tasks throughout Year 11 and 12.