External VET Courses (EVET)
Schools deliver VET courses, while EVET courses are delivered through external Registered Training Organisations, such as:

  • TAFE
  • Academy of Interactive Entertainment
  • Whitehouse Institute of Design
  • NSW Health
  • Taronga Training Institute

EVET courses can be accessed to expand learning opportunities for students and enhance their pathway opportunities. These courses provide students with industry recognition and possible articulation into higher-level courses.
EVET courses can be Board Developed or Board Endorsed. Students must follow the application procedures by meeting submission and payment dates. EVET courses may attract an additional cost to participate. Application forms are available from the VET Coordinator and via the subject selection portal. Students need to discuss their EVET application with the VET Coordinator and their school, to ensure that it is the right course for them and to assist them in submitting a strong application, including the relevance to their future career pathway.