A school based apprenticeship and traineeship provides you with a wonderful opportunity to gain a nationally recognised vocational education and training qualification as well your Higher School Certificate. It also enables you to gain valuable work skills and experience through your paid employment with your employer.

During the school based component of your apprenticeship or traineeship a number of people will have a responsibility for your welfare and progress, most importantly your school, employer and registered training organisation.

Students doing a school-based apprenticeship usually combine the final 2 years of school with paid part-time work. This enables them to finish the first year of their trade whilst completing the HSC. They then go into the second year full time – usually with the same employer – once they leave school.

School-based traineeships are fully completed within the final 2 years at school, providing students with the HSC, a VET qualification, a Certificate of Proficiency and paid experience in the workplace.

SBATs are available in a large range of industries. To find out which ones, go the the NSW Government Department of Education SBATs in NSW website.