FBP20221 Certificate II in Baking

  • 300 Hours
  • Two Units over Two Years
  • Plus One Unit over One Year
  • 35 Hours Work Placement

This qualification describes the skills and knowledge of a baker’s assistant working in a commercial baking environment.

This is a Board Endorsed Course and therefore has no HSC examination.

To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in 11 units of competency:

  • 7 core units; plus
  • 4 elective units.

Units of competency include:

  • FBPFSY2002 Apply food safety procedures
  • FBPOPR2069 Use numerical applications in the workplace
  • FBPOPR2071 Provide and apply workplace information
  • FBPRBK2002 Use food preparation equipment to prepare fillings
  • FBPRBK2005 Maintain ingredient stores
  • FBPRBK3005 Produce basic bread products
  • FBPWHS2001 Participate in work health and safety processes
  • FBPRBK3009 Produce biscuit and cookie products
  • FBPRBK3008 Produce sponge cake products
  • FBPRBK2005 Maintain ingredient stores
  • FBPRBK3002 Produce non laminated pastry products
  • FBPRBK3014 Produce sweet yeast products