SIS20321 Certificate II in Sport Coaching

  • 120 Hours
  • One Year
  • Two Units
  • 35 Hours Work Placement

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply the skills and knowledge to conduct pre-planned coaching sessions with foundation level participants in a specific sport.
This qualification provides a pathway to work in assistant coaching roles working or volunteering at community-based sports clubs and organisations in the Australian sports industry. Individuals with this qualification use a defined and limited range of basic coaching skills to engage participants in a specific sport and are involved in mainly routine and repetitive tasks using limited practical skills and basic sports industry knowledge. They work under the supervision of a coach.
Possible job role titles depend on the specific sport may include assistant coach.

This is a Board Endorsed Course and therefore has no HSC examination.

To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in 7 units of competency:

  • 3 core units; plus
  • 4 elective units.

Units of competency include:

  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
  • SIRXWHS001 Work safely
  • SISSSCO002 Work in a community coaching role
  • SISXFAC002 Maintain sport, fitness and recreation facilities
  • SISSSCO001 Conduct sport coaching sessions with foundation level participant
  • SISSSOF002 Continuously improve officiating skills and knowledge
  • SISXCAI001 Provide equipment for activities