FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

  • 120 Hours

  • One Year

  • Two Units

  • 180 Hours

  • One Year

  • Three Units

This course addresses foundation skills, preparing students for work, and developing skills required in everyday life.  The course covers language, reading, writing, numeracy and digital skills.  It also addresses communication, time management, working in teams; students also explore career pathways, and create a career plan.

This is a Board Endorsed Course and therefore has no HSC examination.

To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in 14 units of competency:

  • 1 core unit; plus
  • 13 elective units.

Units of competency for the Statement of Attainment (120 hours) course include:

  • FSKLRG010 Use routine strategies for career planning
  • FSKLRG011 Use routine strategies for work-related learning 
  • FSKWTG009 Write routine workplace texts 
  • ICTICT216 Design and create basic organisational documents 
  • FSKOCM004 Use oral communication skills to participate in workplace meetings 
  • FSKOCM007 Interact effectively with others at work
  • FSKRDG009 Read and respond to routine standard operating procedures 
  • FSKDIG003 Use digital technology for non-routine workplace tasks
  • FSKLRG009 Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problems 
  • FSKRDG010 Read and respond to routine workplace information
  • FSKRDG008 Read and respond to information in routine visual and graphic texts

Students undertaking the full qualification (180 hours) complete the units above, as well as the units below:

  • FSKNUM014 Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for work 
  • FSKNUM015 Estimate, measure and calculate with routine metric measurements for work
  • FNSFLT212 Develop and use saving plans
  • FNSFLT211 Develop and use personal budgets